"Rousseau's Garden"
"Arbres et Lumières" Festival. © 2007.
Rousseau’s Island. Geneva.

Scaffolding structures (max. Height 6M), fluorescents bulbs, tulles, artificial flowers,
Flower-pots, spotlights. Island’s Dimensions :Height of trees : 28 M. Surface : 1336 square meters.
The island is a former shipyard. Nowadays Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s statue stands on it.
The French/Swiss philosopher was a passionate of  Botany. Curators: Marie-Eve Knoerle and Jean-Claude Deschamps.

Ligth Installation  D.Xenakis/ M Avrabou
environmental light- installation
site specific light installation
ligth- installation
environmental light- installation
Arbres et Lumières 07
Arbres et Lumières 4
Arbres et Lumières 07
Arbres et Lumières 07
Arbres et Lumières 07

« Rousseau's garden  »

This environmental installation makes reference
to Jean-Jacques Rousseau's passion for
botany and nature.
Dimitri Xenakis and Maro Avrabou deliberately
combine artificial materials and flowers with the
existing vegetation.

Fourteen luminous volumes are wrapped in
transparent and coloured fabrics, filled with
synthetic plants in plastic flowerpots.
The particular light-design gives an impression of
industrial greenhouses as well as an aspect of

This artwork explores the relative limits betwen
industry, science and nature.

 © 2007

Arbres et Lumières 07
Arbres et Lumières 07

sat view

 Rousseau Island
JJ Rousseau statue on the Island